World Rabies Day 2011 |
Within the WRD 2011, VSF-cz organizes charity vaccination of dogs belonging to homeless people from streets of Czech and Moravian cities on September 27-28, namely in Brno, Liberec, Ústí nad Labem and Prague. The campaing is supported by DYNTEC s.r.o. and local NGOs.
Brno: 28/9, Katolická diecézní charita, coordinator: MVDr. Jana Juránková, 777 102 311 Liberec: 27/9, Naděje, coordinator: MVDr. David Nejedlo, 606 543 999 Praha: 28/9, coordinator: MVDr. Jan Hlaváč, 724 333 889 Ústí nad Labem: 27/9, coordinator: MVDr. Václav Poživil, 731 506 210