Accomplished stays |
Angela Ionica, Romania
November 2018
Luciana Rus, Romania December 2018 “I will always be excited about new opportunities of learning and living new things, opportunities of helping and caring, especially when felines are involved. So, I will not cry because it's over, I will smile because it happened."
Patrycja Kwiatkowska, Poland
January-February 2019
Iulia Melega, RomaniaFebruary-March 2019 "My time in Hargeisa has been an enriching and unforgettable experience. I have learnt so much, meeting amazing people, making new friends and challenging myself to new activities. Every moment spent with the cheetahs was enjoyable and entertaining. I gained huge respect for the staff, the knowledge they have and the passion they show. What I experienced in Africa exceeded every expectation!"
Oana Balmos, Romania March 2019 “Cheetah House was the ideal environment for developing veterinary skills care with minimum access to resources. The time I spent there helped me to improve my knowledge about exotic animals such as cheetahs and African gazelles. Program gave me the unique chance to work in an amazing place with wonderful creatures. The experience wasn’t ideal all the time, there were ups and downs, but the adrenaline was my med in overstepping any difficulties. Hence, I can only say that having the opportunity to work 26 days with pediatric patients and not only made me one of the richest and luckiest veterinary student.”
Ioana Badin, RomaniaMarch-April 2019 "Exciting and a bit terrifying...because leaving the comfort zone was never an easy thing to do... But I am happy I did! The medical experience I gained working with cheetahs and not only, the new things I learned, the new friends, all of this made this month one of the best of my life! Experiences like these make me love even more the profession I chose!"