Veterináři bez hranic

Veterináři bez hranic ČR, o.p.s.; Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Tchéquie

SSLF symposium Brno 21.4

Small Scale Livestock Farming and Climate Change?


is a symposium organized within the frame of project by VSF Europa Small Scale Livestock Farming and Climate Change in collaboration with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine VFU Brno. The symposium is hosted by the faculty under patronage of Dean, professor Alois Nečas. Symposium is divided into several lectures followed by the plenary  discussion. The goal of this event is to demonstrate different aspects of livestock farming in the context of Global warming. Starting at 13:00, the event take place on Saturday April 21 in main lecture hall of Pavillon of small animal clinics of VFU Brno. We warmly welcome the students, academic staff, veterinarians and public. During the symposium we present the results of the study organized by VSF Europa entitled Role of Small Scale Livestock Farming In Climate Change and Food Security, prepared and written by Spanish environmentla scientists Rivera-Ferre a Lopez-i-Gelat. Full version of the study is available for free, downloadable hereext.


As a side event, we will present a photoexhibion prepared by VSF Europa and VSF-cz, demonstrating the life and problems of pastoralists in the developing countries.




Dr. Alessandro BrogliaVétérinaires sans frontières Europa: VSF Europa, an European network for rural livelihoods support and awareness raising on livestock issues: Development Educational Project "Small Scale Livestock Farming and Climate Change“

Doc. Pavel NováčekPalacky´s University, Olomouc: Climate Change - What Is Going On?

Prof. David ModrýFVL VFU Brno/VSF Czech Republic: Climate and African pastoralists, examples from Turkana

Dr. M. SkřivánekFVL VFU Brno/Biomin: Mechanisms of production of GHG by ruminants

Small Scale Livestock Farming and climate change, a documentary movie prepared by VSF Europa




  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
  • 2018
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