Veterináři bez hranic

Veterináři bez hranic ČR, o.p.s.; Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Tchéquie

Somaliland: veterinary care in wildlife rescue center in Hargeisa

Somaliland: veterinary care in wildlife rescue center in Hargeisa


Somaliland is autonomous region at the northern edge of African Horn. Country underwent complicated development and after long civil war builds up independence on rest of Somalia. Due to complicated recent history and geographic position Somaliland represents a major hub for illegal trade with endangered African animals, dominated by cheetah trafficking. Hand in hand with international organizations, current government fights against wildlife smuggling through the country. This pressure logically leads to series of confiscations of various wildlife and increasing numbers of animals that requires captive care. Since beginning of 2019, wildlife rescue center in Hargeisa already received, among other animals, nine cheetah cubs and two baby lions. Currently, center in Hargeisa, managed by Cheetah Conservation Fund and Heritage Somaliland, hosts 23 cheetahs of various age.  

Since 2018, VSF Czech Republic takes part in this conservation effort.




Our mission

Growing amount of confiscated cheetah and other rare and endangered African animals of Horn of Africa calls for capacity building and development of both preventive and curative veterinary care as well as animal welfare. In close  collaboration with Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCFext), we aim at following topics:


Continuous development of in situ veterinary facility in Hargeisa center and gradual  equipment by diagnostic machines, veterinary tools and therapeutics.

  • Gradual development of enrichment program for captive carnivores
  • Continuous education and  training of  existing veterinary staff
  • Organizing volunteer stays for foreign veterinary surgeons and students of veterinary medicine
  • Visits by veterinary experts



Project is implemented together with following major partners:


  • University of Hargeisa
  • University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Four Paws/Al Ma’wa, Jordan





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  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
  • 2018
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  • 2018