Veterináři bez hranic

Veterináři bez hranic ČR, o.p.s.; Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Tchéquie

Vaccinate for Africa


Vaccinate for Africa!


In June 2019, we‘re launching Vaccinate for Africa, a campaign  in which we will invite pet owners and veterinarians across Czech Republic to help us achieve our goal – together collect financial means to support field projects of Vétérinaires Sans Frontièresin Africa. This year’s campaign is unique because it is going to be organized by local VSF organizations in 9 different European countries coordinated by VSF International. We believe that we will be able to use the means raised by this intensive campaign as soon as possible for our activities in Somalia where we work on development of veterinary care and education in the autonomous area of Somaliland.  




In Czech Republic, Vaccinate for Africa will be taking place from


June 10 to 16 



The campaign will be announced by Czech Small Animal Veterinary Association (CSAVA) and in media. Participating veterinary practices and clinics will receive printed materials explaining the clients the goal of the campaign. The engaged clinics and practices will donate part of their profit from all vaccinations performed in the campaign week or alternatively, they will contribute by single donation. 




How to get involved?

Veterinary clinics and practices can sign in by short email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Our coordinator of the campaign, dr. Barbora Cervena will provide them with all necessary information and materials and will answer possible questions.


Pet owners can support the campaign by visiting the participating veterinarian during the campaign. 

Anybody can share the information about the campaign and activities of VSF CZ share on their own social media. 

We thank you for your support!





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  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
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