Introduction |
Veterinarians Without Borders Czech RepublicVétérinaires Sans Frontières TchéquieVSF-czVeterinarians Without Borders Czech Republic (VSF-cz) is a Public Benefit Corporation established according to the Act No. 248/1995 Coll by the end of the year 2009 by Prof. MVDr. David Modrý, Ph.D. from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno (UVPS Brno), and MVDr. David Nejedlo, director of Liberec ZOO and president of Union of Czech and Slovak Zoological Gardens. Board of directors and the Supervising board include the representatives from UVPS Brno, Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Czech Republic, and authorities from veterinary and associated fields.
The main goal of the VSF-cz is providing the developmental and humanitarian assistance/help abroad as well as in the Czech Republic, mainly on the fields of veterinary and human medicine, agriculture and community development To reach this ambition, following activities are carried on / planned:
Since 2010, Mt. Kulal Rabies Control is a pilot project supported by VSF-cz. As such, this campaign started four years ago in the Lake Turkana region, Northern Kenya and its main goal is to protect the local indigenous peoples against rabies, a frequent cause of human fatalities in the area. The only effective way to do so is a vaccination of dogs and other domestic animals living in contact with local communities. The strongest argument supporting our aim is the total absence of human rabies in the covered area since the beginning of the project. Further projects were launched in 2011.
Veterinarians Without Borders Czech Republicoffice: University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno Palackého 1-3, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic |